Our Founder

With 35 years of working in the field of Education and Mental Health, I recognized the value of equine therapy when working with children, youth and adults with emotional trauma. I experienced that with highly trained professional and natural horsemanship based practices; the outcomes for healing and growth were truly remarkable.
My search for the perfect horse with the exact temperament, character and willingness to engage in relationship building began. This is how I found the Baca Herd which had been dispersed from the Baca Chica Farm in New Mexico. When I realized they were on the Endangered Equine List, I continued my search across the United States for remaining breedable Bacas and transported them to my ranch, Blue Oaks Farm, CA. In 2015, I founded Blue Oaks Center to pursue my passion and developed an Equine Assisted Learning program utilizing the Bacas. I liked the combination of the rare Baca Barb Horse’s gentle spirit and character combined with knowledge and skill-based training as it does result in growth for the horse, client and instructor. At Blue Oaks Center, it is the cycle of communication and learning that creates the strong bond of healing and sense of belonging for our community’s youth, families and seniors.
In addition to Equine Therapy, the Baca Barbs have the ability to achieve in other performing disciplines such as Trail Riding, Working Equitation, Dressage, Endurance and Camping. In 2023, the first foal born at BOC has achieved national recognition in Working Equitation. Today with the help of our University partners using DNA Testing and Analysis, the Bacas’ ancestry was found to be one of the first herds brought to the colonial Americas. Because of their ancestry and versatility, I knew I had to do everything possible to prevent their extinction. I developed an extensive Preservation Program to maintain a pure bloodline which has proven successful.
My search for the perfect horse with the exact temperament, character and willingness to engage in relationship building began. This is how I found the Baca Herd which had been dispersed from the Baca Chica Farm in New Mexico. When I realized they were on the Endangered Equine List, I continued my search across the United States for remaining breedable Bacas and transported them to my ranch, Blue Oaks Farm, CA. In 2015, I founded Blue Oaks Center to pursue my passion and developed an Equine Assisted Learning program utilizing the Bacas. I liked the combination of the rare Baca Barb Horse’s gentle spirit and character combined with knowledge and skill-based training as it does result in growth for the horse, client and instructor. At Blue Oaks Center, it is the cycle of communication and learning that creates the strong bond of healing and sense of belonging for our community’s youth, families and seniors.
In addition to Equine Therapy, the Baca Barbs have the ability to achieve in other performing disciplines such as Trail Riding, Working Equitation, Dressage, Endurance and Camping. In 2023, the first foal born at BOC has achieved national recognition in Working Equitation. Today with the help of our University partners using DNA Testing and Analysis, the Bacas’ ancestry was found to be one of the first herds brought to the colonial Americas. Because of their ancestry and versatility, I knew I had to do everything possible to prevent their extinction. I developed an extensive Preservation Program to maintain a pure bloodline which has proven successful.